Call for papers
The call for papers is closed.
Knowledge at the intersection of Research, Practices and Learning
The 2020 Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for Education Research (SSRE) invites researchers to investigate knowledge situated at the intersection of research, practice and learning in the field of education. It would appear that this type of knowledge falls into a variety of categories, such as knowledge, competencies, abilities, skills, and attitudes in research, practice and education. Linking these various types of knowledge then becomes a central issue in an ever-changing educational context and an accelerating world. Indeed, individuals, groups of individuals and institutions can demonstrate a certain form of resistance and decide a hierarchy between these different types of knowledge. If we consider the shifting, evolving and non-exhaustive nature of knowledge, there is space left for reflection, especially with regard to societal changes.
We are looking for contributions which will endeavour to answer one or more of the following questions:
- How is knowledge generated through research, education and practice constructed and consolidated?
- What are the environments in which knowledge can emerge, circulate, enrich, and even transform others? Where are the points at which research, practice and/or education meet?
- What are the forms of resistance or hierarchies between the different types of knowledge?
- In the face of societal changes, how are transformations (social, political, economic and digital, for instance) taken into account in research, practice and education?
This conference will also look at other issues that may broaden the debate associated with knowledge at the intersection of research, practices and learning.
1. Themes
Keynote addresses and conference parallel sessions will be organised around three main themes, for which participants are invited to submit contributions. Contributions on other topics can also be submitted under the open theme section.
Theme 1: Knowledge and the Individual
Individuals – Teachers, trainers, students and/or researchers – all face the challenge of reconciling different types of knowledge. They are required to establish links between practice, education and research, the relevance of which is open for discussion.
The challenge of this core theme is to understand the different types of knowledge at play and their origins, as well as the means by which individuals make sense of them.
Contributions should address issues such as:
- How can we foster links between research and education, research and practice, or education and practice and research?
- How is knowledge linked to serve the individual’s learning process?
- How do people mobilise knowledge?
- What view does the individual take of knowledge?
Theme 2: Knowledge and Interactions between Individuals
In each interaction between individuals – in a professional, training and/or research context – knowledge may mutually empower them.
The challenge of this core theme is to identify the practices whereby knowledge is co-constructed, communicated, and shared in situations of collaborative learning and teaching/learning, among others. It also addresses the circulation and dissemination of knowledge, as well as how it can be transformed by individuals and by groups of individuals.
Contributions should address questions such as:
- What are the communication channels used by researchers, trainers and professionals to interact with each other?
- What is the role of social interaction in educational, training and/or research practices?
- To what extent do certain types of knowledge require more or less interaction between individuals, and what are the advantages and disadvantages?
- What are the roles left to students within research teams?
- How can the professional sector make its voice heard within education and research teams?
Theme 3: Knowledge and Institutions
Institutions – families, educational and research institutions, professional companies and public administrations – all face issues regarding the production, transfer and evaluation of knowledge. Educational decisions can be guided by ideology, statements emerging from civil society, the media response, and research results.
The purpose of this core theme is to better understand the relationships between knowledge and institutions in the fields of formal and informal education.
Contributions should address questions such as:
- How do educational policies promote the democratisation of education and inclusivity in schools?
- How have educational institutions evolved educationally with regard to the skills that students need to acquire?
- What is the impact of the digital world on education?
- What is the impact of educational research results on political and administrative decision-making?
Theme 4: Open Theme
In addition to core themes 1 to 3, contributions can also be submitted for open-topic themes. These must respect the same language and form criteria as the thematic contributions. They are subject to the same call and evaluation procedures.
2. Languages
Proposals for contributions may be written in German, French, Italian or English. At the conference, contributions will be made in the language in which the paper was written.
3. Contribution Formats and Submission Guidelines
There are four possible formats for contributions to the conference: symposia, individual papers, interactive round tables and posters.
3.1 Symposium
A symposium can be organised at the initiative of one or more persons who will be responsible for the coordination. It should last for 90 minutes and should include 3 or 4 papers, followed by a general discussion involving all the contributors. One or more authors can be involved in each paper. Each presentation should last for a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes (depending on the number of papers in the symposium), including time for questions from the audience and discussion. Presentations should not all cover the same research project given by members from the same institution. Time will be allocated for discussion as suggested by the speakers.
A symposium proposal must include:
- The Coordinator’s name, their affiliation and contact details.
- The symposium title (18 words max).
- A symposium abstract (250 words max).
- An abstract for each paper, strictly following the instructions in item 3.2 below for individual contribution proposals.
- The respondent’s name (optional).
- The core theme of the conference under which the symposium will be submitted.
3.2 Individual Papers
Individual papers can be written by one or more authors. Each presentation should last for a maximum of 30 minutes including time for questions from the audience. The Scientific Committee will be responsible for categorising communications into thematic sessions and appointing a chairperson for each session.
An individual paper proposal must include:
- The name(s) of the author(s), their affiliation and their contact details.
- The paper title (18 words max).
- Five keywords.
- The core theme of the conference under which the paper will be submitted.
- A summary (500 words max) stating:
- The paper topic.
- The theoretical and methodological frameworks (for research papers).
- The research questions or hypotheses.
- The main findings.
- Discussion and conclusion (scientific relevance, possible practical applications, links with the theme of the conference).
3.3 Interactive Round Tables
Interactive round tables are organised at the initiative of one or more persons responsible for the coordination work, and will include guest contributors. They will last for 90 minutes. Each guest contributor to the round table will give an opening statement lasting a few minutes, addressing questions sent by the coordinators in advance. The guest contributors and the coordinators will then interact with the audience. Guest contributors to round tables must come from at least three different institutions.
Proposals for interactive round tables must include:
- The name(s) and contact details of the coordinator(s) and their affiliation.
- The name(s) and contact details of the guest contributor(s) and their affiliation.
- The title of the round table (18 words max).
- A presentation of the theme and the main questions (750 words max).
- The names and contact details of those participating in the round table.
- The core theme of the conference under which the round table will be submitted.
3.4 Posters
Posters can be created by one or more authors. They must be presented in A0 format. The authors are responsible for printing posters and displaying them at the conference in the designated area. The Scientific Committee will be responsible for categorising posters into thematic sessions and appointing a chairperson for each session. The authors of each poster will give a 5-minute presentation to the audience.
Proposals for posters must be prepared according to the instructions in item 3.2 above for individual paper proposals.
4. Submitting Contribution Proposals
Proposals for contributions are to be submitted through the ConfTool website from 1 October 2019:
New submission deadline: 15 January 2020
5. Evaluation Procedure for Contribution Proposals
Contribution proposals will be evaluated by two members of the extended Scientific Committee (double-blind procedure).
The evaluation criteria are as follows:
- Pertinence of the issues addressed.
- Relevance to the theme of the conference.
- Clarity of presentation of the theoretical and methodological frameworks.
- Clarity of presentation of the findings, discussion and conclusion.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to recommend that authors adopt another format for their contribution. If a symposium is rejected, papers may be accepted for an individual paper session.
The result of the evaluation procedure is scheduled to be announced at the end of March 2020.